Thursday, April 14, 2011

Neil Arnal, FSO-PA

Our Program Visitor, Vessel Examiner, and Public Education members went to Mariner’s Cove to promote safe boating. We conducted Vessel Safety Checks and handed out safety information. The month started with a wonderful brunch March 6 for our members at the Imperial Country Club, organized by Bernie Appelman and Jordan Pollack. Thank you both.

On Saturday, March 12, we conducted Vessel Safety Checks at Wiggins Pass and Lovers Key State Park boat ramp from 9:00 a.m. to noon. Between the two locations, eight Vessel Examiners participated in boat inspections.

The Bass Pro Shop staff asked our Flotilla to conduct six classes in the conference room at their store. We did this on March 12, 19, 20, 26 and 27. Three of our members volunteered to teach these classes. Bass Pro Shop promotes these classes on their website and on posters throughout the store. The staff asked me to thank everyone who helped out: Phill Smith taught GPS and Electronics for Your Boat, Jim McCaffrey and Neil Arnal presented classes on Safe Boating and Trailering Your Boat.

On Thursday, March 24, our Vice Commander, Dave Shuster, was the guest speaker at the First Presbyterian Church of Bonita Springs Singles Club. Dave gave a speech on “Guarding our Borders”. The presentation centered on how the U.S. Coast Guard and Coast Guard Auxiliary protect our shores. Sixty people attended the event. Great job, Dave. Thanks to Ginny Russell for asking us to speak to this group.

On Saturday, March 26, we performed VSC’s at Wiggins Pass and Lovers Key State Park boat ramps. Seven Vessel Examiners attended inspected a total of 26 boats.
April is shaping up to be another busy month.