Thursday, April 14, 2011

Flotilla 96 Members Receive AUXOP Recognition

Congratulations to Bob Morrison and John Tyson for completing the Operational Auxiliarist Program (AUXOP) this year.  Bob received his award at the March meeting, and John received his award in February.  They join four other active and two retired Flotilla 96 members who have attained this honor.

Bob began working on AUXOP right after he became an Auxiliary member more than 10 years ago.  Bob took the required courses and tests at his own pace.  Looking back, he said:  “It’s a lot of work, but it’s great to get the pin.”  Both the current Flotilla 96 Bridge and commanding officer Jeff Kerner at Coast Guard Station Fort Myers Beach are encouraging active members to do the necessary work and qualify for AUXOP.

So how do you earn the AUXOP award?   Under the recently revised requirements for the program, “Auxiliarists will be required to successfully complete a minimum of seven credits to receive the AUXOP qualification.” 

Three of the credits must be earned by completing these three courses:  Auxiliary Weather (AUXWEA), Auxiliary Seamanship (AUXSEA) and Auxiliary Communications (AUXCOM).  One credit must come from completing any one of several leadership courses, including the Flotilla Leadership Course and courses offered by the Auxiliary Leadership and Management School. 

 Finally, three credits need to be earned from a variety of courses designed to cover a wide range of interests, including Auxiliary Search Coordination and Execution (AUXACN), Introduction to Marine Safety and Auxiliary Patrols (AUXPAT).   A complete listing of requirements and available courses is available at
By Jim Samples