We had fourteen patrols in March and eighteen patrols scheduled for April. They are all safety patrols except for one QE involving two vessels on April 18. We also have a night navigation training mission scheduled on April 15.
We have two coxswain requalifications, one crew requalification and one first-time crew qualification scheduled. We will continue training in the classroom, dockside and out on the water. Our candidates look sharp and we expect to do well on the QEs.
We continue our emphasis on safety and situational awareness. You will receive emails as information is passed down from Division to me. This month we all received the updated Light List. Coxswains should have a copy of the pages that apply to our AOR on board. Members must be careful not to overheat or dehydrate while out on patrol. Always bring drinking water or other cold beverages with you.
Come a few minutes early and sign up for patrols before the meeting starts. You may also sign up for patrols by emailing flotilla96@yahoo.com with the dates you want.