Friday, February 11, 2011

Station FMB and the Marlin

They’re like fraternal twins - very similar but also different.  So different, in fact, that they operate and are administered separately.

To begin with, the MARLIN operates 30 miles out in the Gulf of Mexico.  Operations inside the 30-mile marker are handled by the Station.  The crew of the MARLIN  consists of 12 to 15 Coasties.  The Station is billeted for around 50 regulars.  CWO4 Jeffery Kerner commands the Station, while LTJG Michael Mastrianni is captain of the MARLIN.  The MARLIN essentially “leases” dock space from the Station while she is in port.  And the MARLIN crew has a separate building with offices and a shop.

Yet there is considerable cooperation between the two units.  The MARLIN crew can take exams at the Station, rather than commute to a more distant testing station.  And the two occasionally trade personnel as short-term needs arise.  For example, the two recently traded cooks on a temporary basis.  By Jim Samples