After preliminaries, staff officers who were unable to attend the Change of Watch, Randi Aldrich and Al Lazzaro, were sworn in. Guests who attended the meeting were Drew Lethert, John Garafola, Dick Rutkowski, Gary Best and Bill Whitman.
Announcements of interest:
· Special recognition of Betty Riddle, retiring after 30 years in the Auxiliary
· Bob Morrison will hold an IS workshop on the 7029e form Saturday, Jan. 22
· A class for Program Visitors will be held Feb. 5th, 9 – 11, at the Flotilla
· Vessel exams will be held every other Saturday at Lovers Key or Wiggins Pass from 9 to noon
General Meeting
19 January, 2011
General Members present: 23
Staff Officers present 18
Staff Officers Aides present: 0
Guests Present: 5
Meeting called to order by VFC, Shuster at 1900 hrs. Shuster also led the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel.
A motion to approve the minutes of the November 17th General meeting was offered by FSO Ed Walters and after due second by FSO Jim Samples, those minutes were approved by voice vote without dissent.
Swearing in of Officers:
FC Urbanek and VFC Shuster performed the swearing in ceremony for FSO NS Randi Alrich and FSO OP Alfered Lazzaro, who were unable to attend the Change of Watch. The minutes for the Change of Watch have been corrected to reflect their absence.
Flotilla Commander’s Report:
FC Urbanek paid special recognition to Past Flotilla Commander and CGSTAFMB Watchstander,
Betty Riddle who is retiring after 31 years of service.
He then introduced the following guests:
Drew Lethert
John Garafola
Dick Rutkowski
Gary Best
Bill Whitman
Awards and Presentations
Urbanek first reported that Flotilla 96 has less than 100 members and reported 13805 hours for 2010.
Coast Guard Unit Commendations were presented to 92 Flotilla 96 members.
Auxiliary Performance Awards were presented for:
Operations: Phill Smith, Bronze Star
Larry Bowers, Ribbon O
Betty Riddle, Hour Glass
Richard Brant, Ribbon O
Public Ed. Phill Smith, Bronze Star
Leonard Jadrych, Bronze Star
VE/PV Bernie Appelman, Bronze Star
Mel Milstein, Silver Star
John Tyson, Bronze Star
Recreational Boating Safety Program Specialist:
Mel Milstein
Certificate of Appreciation:
John Tyson
Dave Shuster
Past Division Capts./Commander Assc.
John Tyson
Vessel Examiner Certificate and Ribbon:
Dan Beauchemin
Allen Thompson
15 Year Retirees:
Curt Hill
Bill Lowe
Urbanek next presented certificates to last year’s Instructors, Marine Safety Days participants, Telecommunications and 2010 FSOs not at the COW in Dec. 2010.
He next reported on the COW that was held at the Pelican Isle Yacht Club on December 10, 2010, the new staff officers and made a special request for members to become staff aides.
FC Urbanek next reported that CWO Kerner wants the Flotilla to spend more time in the back bay while on patrol and wants to do more with the Auxiliary’
In closing his remarks, Urbanek reminded those present that APC and FLC leadership courses will be scheduled and there will be an ATON verifier course this Saturday (January 22) at Flotilla 93 in Naples, starting at 8:30 AM.
Vice Flotilla Commander Report
VFC Shuster reported that the survey just completed indicated a desire by the membership to host more social activities. He said that all the survey results will be compiled by the February meeting.
VFC Shuster then commented that all AUX/Ops courses will be offered next year.
Staff Officer Remarks
Shuster then offered a brief summary of the staff officer reports
There will be an IS meeting on Saturday afternoon, at the Flotilla, to review the new 7029 form and how to report via the computer. FSO-IS Morrison will lead the class. Morrison then reported directly to those present regarding the use of this form.
FSO-OP Lazzaro gave the Operations Report and scheduled patrols for the upcoming weeks.
Shuster again made a plea for members to sign up as mentors to new members.
There is a PV class scheduled for February 5th from 9-11 AM at the Flotilla.
There will be VEs held every other Saturday at Lover’s Key and/or Wiggin’s Pass from 9 AM to noon.
Shuster paid special recognition to Bernie Appelman and Jordan Pollack for the Cheers Party at the Barefoot Beach Club and to Neil Arnal for the COW meeting at Pelican Isle Yacht Club.
At this time FSO-MT Jim Mayer and VFC Shuster conducted a 1hr. TCT refresher course.
Old Business
New Business
The meeting was adjourned at 20:45 hrs.
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