Friday, February 4, 2011

Jim Mayer, FSO-MT

Coxswain Training Program
The classroom segment of Coxswain training concluded in late January and participants will now take an oral exam. Those who pass the exam will begin on-water training with mentors (experienced coxswains) in mid to late February.
Training Sessions at General Meetings
The one-hour TCT course, required for crew and coxswains, was offered at the general meeting in January.  In February, the one –hour, Coast Guard class on sexual harassment will be offered. 

Training Class for Public Visitation

Left to Right:  Bernie Appelman, Sean Hanley, Allen Thompson, Ed Walter, Dan Beauchemin, George Stancil, Jim McCaffrey, Mike Murphy and Carson McCullough

The training class for public visitation took place on February 5.  Seven participated in the class, and within 24 hours, four took the on-line exam and passed it. Congratulations to Mike Murphy, Allen Thompson, Sean Hanley and Jim McCaffrey. Special thanks to Bernie Appelman and Dan Beauchemin for their contribution to class.

Watch Stander Training
A priority for Flotilla 96, watch stander training is the next major project for member training.  We hope to begin a class in March.

AUXOP Training
In January, Flotilla 96 offered its building to Division 9 for (3) AUXOP training courses this winter and spring.  Leadership is considering the offer.