General Meeting, February 16, 2011
Attendance included 20 General members, 15 Staff Officers, 12 guests, plus many regular CG from Station Fort Myers Beach.
After preliminaries, FC Urbanek and VFC Shuster conducted swearing-in ceremony for new member Andrew Lethert. FC Urbanek introduced guests Del Case, Steve de Rosa, Chuck Bender and June Languvin, followed by presentation of awards to Flotilla members.
Neil Arnal was appointed to organize National Safe Boating activities with Dan Beauchemin and Jim McCaffrey.
Fellowship brunch on March 6 at the Imperial Golf Club. Contact Jordan Pollack .
Ops Officer Al Lazarro scheduled patrols for February and March.
Special retirement ceremony for long-time member and Past Flotilla Commander Betty Riddle, with honored guests:
Honorable Georgia Hiller, Collier County Commisioner, 2nd District; Commander Louis Conti; Commodore Walter Jaskiewicz; District Chief of Staff John Tyson; CWO4 Jeffrey Kerner, Commanding Officer Station FMB; Chief Machinery Technician Rodolfo Moreira, Station FMB; many active duty Coast Guard personnel from Station FMB.
Betty received many awards and honors, including commendation as honorary Chief in the US Coast Guard, presented by shipmates from Station Fort Myers Beach.
General Meeting
16 February, 2011
General Members present: 20
Staff Officers present 15
Staff Officers Aides present: 0
Guests Present: 12, plus numerous regular Coast Guard
Meeting called to order by VFC, Shuster at 1900 hrs. Shuster also led the pledge of allegiance. A moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel was requested by FC Urbanek.
A motion to approve the minutes of the January 19th General meeting was offered by Bernie Appelman, seconded by FSO Neil Arnal and approved by voice vote without dissent.
Swearing in of New Members:
FC Urbanek and VFC Shuster performed the swearing in ceremony for Andrew “Drew” Lethert. FC Urbanek also mentioned that new member John Garafola has just been accepted into the regular coast guard, but intends to remain a member of the AUX.
Flotilla Commander’s Report:
FC Urbanek introduced the following guests: Del Case a part time resident of Wiggin’s Bay and Duluth, MN; Steve De Rosa and Chuck Bender who are both full-time residents of Copperleaf in the Brooks and June Languvin.
Awards and Presentations
Auxiliary Sustained Service
Michael Dobrovic, 1st ribbon
Emily Harris, 1st ribbon
Richard Brant, 1st ribbon
James Meyer, 2nd bronze star
Lawrence Urbanek, 3rd bronze star
Bernard Appelman, 6th silver star
Phillip Smith, 8th bronze star (not in attendance)
George Stancil, 11th gold hour glass and 12th silver hourglass
Auxiliary Member Service Award
Ronald Romanski, 5yr ribbon
Vessel Examiner
Billy Willsey, ribbon
Performance Awards
Operations, Heinz Janke, bronze star
Public Education, John Tyson, bronze star; David Shuster, bronze star
VE/PV, Neil Arnal, ribbon V
Urbanek next reminded all coxswains of the need to file the 7030 form. VEs and PVs are up over this time last year.
He appointed Neil Arnal as chairman of the committee to organize Nat’l Safe Boating activities; Dan Beauchemin and Jim McCaffrey are the other members of the committee.
Vice Flotilla Commanders Report:
VFC Shuster reminded the members to turn in their 7029 reports to Bob Morrison. There is a Safe Boating class (ABS) scheduled for this Sat. February 19th at the Flotilla.
Staff Officer Remarks
Shuster then offered a brief summary of the staff officer reports
CM: The DSC system is operating with no apparent problems
CS: The “Beta Website” review has been completed
MS: Randi Aldrich and Geo Stancil are working weekly with the Marine Safety Detachment and anyone interested in MS please contact Geo Stancil or Randi Aldrich.
MT: The PV and Coxswain classes have been completed and the schedule for Watchstander, IT and other classes will be out soon.
NS: Seven (7) new trainees attended the ATON workshop that was held at Flotilla 93 on January 22nd.
PA: A schedule for speaking engagements at various area organizations and associations is being developed.
PB: The February Hatchcover is out.
HR: There is an application in process for one new member and FSO Walters is working with two others.
PV: Seven members attended the PV class on February 5th and four passed the exam. PE and VSCs are scheduled for Mariner’s Cove in March and for a three day boat show at the Bonita Bay Marina on March 4th, 5th and 6th.
VEs are scheduled for every other Saturday at Lover’s Key
The next fellowship gathering is scheduled for March 6th 10:30AM at the Imperial Golf Club. The cost is $16.32/person. Contact Jordan Pollack or Bernie Appelman for reservations.
FSO-OP Lazzaro gave the Operations Report and scheduled patrols for the upcoming weeks.
Old Business
Shuster reminded the members of the scheduled Division meeting for Saturday February 19th.
New Business
A very special presentation retirement ceremony for long-time member and Past Flotilla Commander Betty Riddle was conducted.
Honored guests were:
Honorable Georgia Hiller, Collier County Commissioner, 2nd District
Commander Louis Conti
Commodore Walter Jaskiewwicz
District Chief of Staff John Tyson
CWO4 Jeffrey Kerner
Chief Machinery Technician Rodolfo Moreira, SFMB
Larry Urbanek, Flotilla 96 Commander
Several active USGC members
After several presentation and awards, most significant of which was Riddle’s commendation as an honorary Chief;
The meeting was adjourned for further fellowship at 20:45 hrs.
Submitted by:
FSO-SR Billy R. Willsey