Soon the first quarter of 2011 will be behind us and the season will be winding down by the end of next month. You will read in this issue reports from the various staff officers about the many activities since January 1st. We owe our fellow members a sincere “thank you” -- they made it all happen. All in all, we’ve had a good start for the year.
However, there is one gray cloud within the many words and numbers reported by the staff – too few members stepping up and participating. Despite the fact that we’re a relatively large flotilla by total membership, we’re a small flotilla when you look at the number of members who are active. We are lucky if we make the 80/20 Rule.
Please remember the prologue and oath we took when we joined the Auxiliary. In the prologue it states, “. . . as a member you are charged with certain responsibilities and obligations. These include your willingness to . . . participate in its authorized programs to the best of your ability and to the extent that time and circumstances permit.” From the beginning we’re advised to participate and give as much time as we can. While we encourage all of our members to attend the monthly general meeting, don’t let that be the end of your service to the Auxiliary.
The prologue further states, “The satisfaction you derive from your Auxiliary membership will be in proportion to your level of participation in the organization’s activities. The success of the Coast Guard Auxiliary will depend upon the extent of your participation ...” Without your enthusiastic participation, there will be little success for our flotilla or the Auxiliary as a whole. And the Coast Guard will suffer, as they depend on us to ensure “the fulfillment of its civil functions.” They need your help and so does your flotilla.
Your response to the recent survey made it clear that educational opportunities were at the top of your list. To provide these programs we need staff officers, instructors, helpers, training mentors, etc.
I ask those of you who have been absent for some time to please rejoin your fellow Auxiliarists. We are in desperate need of your time and skills. Our flotilla is stretched as thin as it can get and still provide the activities and educational programs you want. We need more “depth in the bench” and we need it now. The Auxiliary mission is a great cause and a great way to serve your country. Please contact any staff officer, Larry or me to offer your help.
When all of our members are active, we are Semper Paratus.