Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Jim Mayer, FSO-MT

Coxswain Training Program:  Oral exams were underway in late February, and those who pass the exam will be eligible for on-water training.  We had four in the on-shore class and three are taking the exam.  
Training Sessions at General Meetings: Training class on sexual harassment, which was scheduled for the February meeting, was postponed because of the salute to Betty Riddle. It is re-scheduled for March meeting. Also scheduled for March is a one-hour TCT Refresher course. 
 Watch Stander Training: The initial plan was to offer watch stander training in two parts:  1) An AUXCOM course and 2) a TC-PQS Training Program (revised Auxiliary telecommunications training).
Part 1 was postponed because we were unable to recruit instructors.
Part 2 is expected to take place because the training program is a one-on-one program between trainees and radio mentor.  In March, watch stander trainees will be assigned to a training mentor (watch stander).   

 AUXOP Training: In December and again in January, Flotilla 96 offered its building to Division 9 for three AUXOP training courses this winter and spring.  Division leadership was unable to assemble the program. 
Qualification Exam (QE): The next QE is scheduled for Monday, April 18.  Two members are taking their requalification exam for coxswain (Heinz Janke and Ned Herrmann), one member is taking a requal for crew (Larry Bowers), and one is going for crew certification (Jim McCaffrey).
Your response to the recent survey made it clear that educational opportunities were at the top of your list.  To provide these programs we need staff officers, instructors, helpers, training mentors, etc.