Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander

Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander
Look for our newest member at the next general meeting on Wednesday, 20 July.   He will play an active part in Member Training and everyone involved in on-the-water operations will soon have a chance to get to know him.

We ordered this rescue mannikin through a grant from the foundation to promote boating safety. He is the size of a small person and can weigh as much as 140 pounds. This training prop will be used in all future man-overboard training exercises. By replacing the Type IV lifejacket we have been using (maybe 3-4 lbs soaking wet) with the rescue mannikin, we will be training under more realistic conditions.

This training enhancement is another step in our overall effort to make everyone involved in on-the-water operations safer as well as those we encounter while on patrol. As we get more involved in scenario-based training for all operational activities, this training aid will make water rescue a realistic exercise. Becoming more proficient on patrol will help to make us a true force multiplier for the Gold side.

Member Training will be working with Operations to develop safe procedures for getting the PIW (person in the water) on board the various facilities. The boat hook method will no longer work. We look forward to making safe retrieval a standard. With every crewmember and coxswain doing this several times each year we will surely become... Semper Paratus.