In response to Coast Guard policy, MT offered a seminar on Sexual Harassment at the general meeting in April. Members learned what constitutes sexual harassment; how to respond to it; how the Auxiliary and Coast Guard respond when there is an allegation.
Also, in April, the Train the Trainer program got underway for Watch Stander Training.
The course, Telecommunications Operator Personal Qualification Standard (TCO-PQS), replaces Auxiliary Communications as the certification program for radio personnel. Four trainers are enrolled in the class.
Instruction for watchstander trainees is expected to start in June. Members who would like to enroll in boat crew training are required to become certified watchstanders
Two QE exercises are tentatively scheduled for Monday, August 15, and Monday, August 22. Currently, six members are planning to get certified or re-certified. There is space for two more participants. MT will coordinate group training for the August QEs.
Finally, a one-hour TCT refresher course will be offered following the general meeting on Wednesday, May 18