Thursday, February 9, 2012

Trouble Off Matanzas Pass

A charter fishing boat took six passengers out for an evening cruise on January 22. The captain’s story was that he hit something actually in the harbor channel. Realizing he was taking on water faster than his pumps could handle, he decided to go back to home dock.
TowBoatUS stands by to monitor fuel leakage.

Instead of beaching his vessel at the shoal or the beach 100 yards away, he continued along the deeper channel, presumably to his dock. As you can see, he didn’t make it.

Apparently his passengers were saved by the Coast Guard, who viewed his story with skepticism.  They believe he ran aground outside the channel, ripping out his drive shaft, coupling and packing bearing. He was escorted ashore to talk to the Sheriff’s office. 

TowBoatUS was monitoring fuel leakage in preparation for offloading fuel later in the day.
 Report and photo by Michael DiPierro