I’m pleased to report
that our 2012 Flotilla Plan is off to an excellent start and I have a great
deal to report. The credit goes to our team of staff officers, aides and
the flotilla members who provided the many man-hours of work.
Not only are we ahead in
all three goal areas after our first month, in some cases we’re many months
ahead of schedule. As of today, our number one goal, significantly increasing
recruitment and retention, is over 25% towards our annual target of fifteen new
members. We have four new members and within a few weeks we may be at almost
70% of that target.
second goal, improving mission excellence in all activities, is developing
nicely. The improvements in our speaker bureau methods are in large part
behind our recruitment gains. We have already begun to employ Coast Guard
leadership methods in mission performance, with the chartering of a small task
group to develop safe and effective recovery procedures for an unconscious
person-in-the-water. This focused, organized approach will ensure we
adequately plan and execute our activities.
We performed vessel
safety checks for the Riverwoods Yacht Club after our presentation on “What is
the Auxiliary and What Do We Do?” Our next presentation will be to the Cascades
Community Men’s Club.
Today I spoke with Bob
Wasno, Director of the Marine Research Department for Florida Gulf Coast
University. He has scheduled, through
Neil Arnal, to have us perform Vessel Safety Checks on their department boats
again this year. Further, he would like to set up a schedule of
safe boating classes for their university students.
He also
worked a deal with Sea Tow to provide free signaling whistles to handout at our
VSCs, PE classes and other activities. As
with all flotilla initiatives, we can’t do the job without your help. Speaking
engagements are a key strategy in our recruitment goals. We are getting
great results
As you’ll recall, at the last general
membership meeting, I handed out a small ‘post-it’ to each member asking for a
name of one organization or group that you feel might be a good prospect for
the flotilla to schedule a presentation. Unfortunately, at the end of the
meeting, none we’re submitted. Mark this up to lessons learned for a
“newbie” flotilla commander.
I really should have provided advance notice
of my request, to give each
of you time to think of a possible group as a presentation opportunity.
Therefore, with this lesson in mind, I
will again pass out a ‘post-it’ to each flotilla member at the general meeting,
on Wednesday, February 15th. We’re looking for any community group,
professional organization, local agency or any group of people you may know
that would be interested in a presentation about the mission of the Auxiliary
and what we do for the Coast Guard and the boating public. The emphasis
of this presentation is to highlight the fact that the Auxiliary is populated
with volunteers just like them, and we enjoy an exciting and fulfilling list of
important volunteer opportunities as Auxiliarists.
I know we won’t receive a suggested
group from every member. However, if we get something from just a third
of you, that provides Greg Guederian in Public Affairs a great deal of help in
scheduling future dates.
As with this issue, in future issues of
the Hatchcover, I will provide an updated graph of our Flotilla
Dashboard. The Dashboard is a great leadership tool to keep the
membership focused and updated on the progress of our flotilla goals.
Organizational performance measurement and its leadership tools is a major
initiative in the 7th District.
I also have two announcements.
First, George Stancil has stood up a second time and accepted the duties of Flotilla
Staff Officer for Materials in addition to his current role as Flotilla Staff
Officer for Marine Safety. Also, Mike
DiPierro has also stood up a second time and accepted the position of Fleet
Staff Officer for Program Visitation in addition to his current role as assistant
to Ned Herrmann in Operations. This will greatly relieve Neil Arnal, who
was serving in both Vessel Examination and Program Visitation.
I want to thank both of these members
for their generous commitment in time and talents. They are already
making a positive impact on the flotilla. Please take a moment the next
time you see George and Mike, to thank them for their service to our flotilla
and the Auxiliary mission.
As always, we are Semper Paratus.