Thursday, February 9, 2012

Greg Guederian, Public Affairs

Thanks to those who extended a warm welcome during my transition into Flotilla 96.
I look forward to 2012 and the Public Affairs opportunities ahead.

We are approaching the midpoint for peak season here in southwest Florida. That means we have many chances to make significant progress toward our mission goals for membership, boating safety and vessel exams. I encourage each of you to make the most of this by pitching in a little extra time and helping us out with coverage at the coming boat shows. Just 3 1/2 hours of your time will fill a slot. If you can give more, it would be fantastic. 

Our immediate opportunity is for the Bonita Bay Boat Show on March 2nd thru March 4th. We could use assistance for setup on the March 1st as well.  Please contact me as soon as possible with your choice of date and time. I can be reached at anytime by phone, or by email at