Thursday, February 9, 2012

The Minutes in a Minute

Meeting January 18, 2012, with 31 members and 12 guests attending.

Photo by Greg Guederian
After preliminaries, Dave Shuster introduced guests David Crockwell, Division Commander, and Cynthia Crockwell, Division Secretary of Records, visiting members Janet Richardson, Barry Novakoff and Ernie Stewart, and guests Jim Spotz, Ross Tisci, John Abatecola, Leonard Nuzzo, Stephen Vercollone, Jim Wiedman and Paul Thompson.
Ray Mino and Richard Laughlin were sworn in as new members.

Guest speaker Corporal Jim Vliet of the Collier County Sheriff’s Marine Bureau talked about their work removing abandoned boats, enforcing fishing regulations, educating the public about safe boating, and other duties.


Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110

General Meeting

18 January, 2012

General Members present: 18
Staff Officers present 13 
Staff Officers Aides present: 0
Guests Present 12

The meeting was called to order by Dave Shuster, Flotilla Commander at 1900 hrs.  The pledge of allegiance was led by John Gaston, Flotilla Vice Commander.  Shuster called for a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel.

A motion to approve the minutes of the November 16, 2011 General Meeting was offered by Jordan Pollack and after due second by Grant Skaggs, those minutes were approved as submitted, by voice vote without dissent.

Shuster then announced the recent passing of Flotilla 96 member Carole Martin.

Flotilla Commander’s Report

Introduction of Guests;
Shuster introduced David Crockwell, Division Commander and Cynthia Crockwell, Division Secretary of Records and visiting members Janet Richardson, Barry Novakoff and Ernie Stewart.
He then introduced the following guests and potential members: Jim Spotz, Ross Tisci, John Abatecola, Leonard Nuzzo, Stephen Vercollone, Jim Wiedman, and Paul Thompson.

Swearing in of New Members:

Shuster and Gaston swore in the following new members, Ray Mino and Dick Laughlin.  (Mr Laughlin was actually sworn in later during the meeting)

After a few remarks by Crockwell, Shuster reported from the Division Board meeting:
The ongoing fuel problem has hopefully been resolved. If a patrol has problems getting fuel at the station call Shuster, he will then call Mr. Kerner who will deal with the issue immediately.

Please mark the following date on your calendar, the next Division meeting is scheduled for February 4th at St Hillary’s

The CGAUX mesh ball caps can no longer be used and any scrambled eggs on the bill and any ball cap cannot have Flotilla specifics embroidered on the cap.

The Republican Convention will be held August 27th thru the 31st in Tampa and the CG may need extra crew from the auxiliary.  The AUX patrols will be utilized for distress calls instead of active duty personnel.  This is to avoid active duty CG from being pulled away from the immediate area.

Guest Speaker;

Shuster next introduced Cpl. Jim Vliet from the Collier County Sheriff’s Marine Bureau as the evening’s guest speaker.  Cpl. Vliet spoke of the many different issues that the Bureau’s officers encounter, i.e. abandoned boats, smuggling operations, fishing violations, etc.

Shuster introduced AUXLO Samuel Muentes for a few comments; Muentes reminded those present that the CG and CGAUX are not a towing service.  He also encouraged the members to take advantage of the joint training being offered on Wednesdays at the FMB Station.

Shuster then reviewed the priorities in the Flotilla Plan:
1.     Recruitment and Retention.  We need to speak to any and all groups that will have us, i.e. men’s clubs, boat clubs, fishing clubs, etc.
2.     and 3.  Expand organization relations, improve mission performance, by carefully selecting missions that can be supported by our resources and support each other.

Vice Flotilla Commanders Report:

VFC Gaston introduced the staff officers for 2012: Neil Arnal- PV/VE, Mike Clukey- PE, Greg Guederian-PA, Emily Harris-PB, Ned Herrmann-OP, Robert Morrison-IS, Grant Skaggs-NS, George Stancil-MS/MA, Allen Thompson-FN, Larry Urbanek-MT/IPFC, Ed Walters-CM and Bill Willsey-SR.

OP:     The next Operations meeting is scheduled for Jan. 25th at 1900 hrs. The meeting will focus on SAR assistance policy
VE:      The next scheduled day for vessel examinations is Saturday January 28th.

Gaston reminded the members that we are sharing a booth with Flotilla 93 at the Naples Boat Show, starting Jan. 26th and we need volunteers.

Old Business: None

New Business:  Crockwell reported that the CGAUX needs interpreters and that there is a need for members to take the AUX Chef course.  He also reminded those present that AUX Ops courses are available on the web.  Grant Skaggs is the proctor for AUX Ops courses.

Grant Skaggs asked for a show of hands of those members that would want to take the ATON Verification course.  He reminded those that have taken the course that the requirements have changed and you should retake the course.

The meeting was adjourned at 2045 local time.

Submitted by:  FSO-SR, Billy R. Willsey