Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Minutes In a Minute

August 17, 2011.  Twenty members and one guest present.

After preliminaries, Dave Shuster, Vice Flotilla Commander, introduced guest Zarela Valesquez.

Announcements of interest:
·         Division Change of Watch is scheduled for Dec.3 at St. Hillary’s.
·         Halloween and Christmas parties are planned for Coastie kids at Station Fort Myers Beach.  Volunteers needed.
·         Greg Guegerian has set up a Flotilla 96 Facebook page.
·         Member dues were due July 1 and some have not paid.  We had a closing balance of $13,358 on August 1.
·         Three future speaking dates have been confirmed:  Bonita Springs Men’s Club, Knights of Columbus, Bonita Beach Improvement Association.
·         The fall Public Education class schedule is out and the first ABS class will be Sept. 17.
·         Still leading the division in Vessel Examinations with 395 to date.  Eleven certified Vessel Examiners have participated.
·         Discussed possibilities for promoting ABS courses, including public school continuing education or optional course at FGCU.
·         Future speaker possibilities include SeaTow, Collier and Lee County Marine Patrols, Florida Fish and Wildlife, the marine department at FGCU, and local EMTs.


Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110

General Meeting

17August, 2011

General Members present: 7
Staff Officers present 12 
Staff Officers Aides present: 1
Guests Present: 1

The meeting was called to order by FC, Shuster at 1910 hrs.  After leading the pledge of allegiance FC Urbanek called for a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel.

A motion to approve the minutes of the July 20th General Meeting was offered by FSO Mayer and after due second by FSO Walters, those minutes were approved as submitted, by voice vote without dissent.

Flotilla Commander’s Report

Introduction of Guests;
            VFC Shuster introduced Zarela Valesquez

Presentation of Awards:

            Vessel Examiner
            Kenneth Haydon Bronze star (not present)
            Telecommunications Operator
            Heidi LaQuadra Ribbon (Not Present)

Urbanek next reported that at the last Division Board Meeting a request was repeated to supply numbers of members that need to take the sexual harassment class and develop a Diversity Advisor.  The Division Change of Watch is scheduled for Dec. 3, 2011 at St Hillarys, after the Division meeting.  The cost is $6.00/person and checks need to be sent to DCDR Lou Conti` by November 15th.
There will be a Halloween Party for the CG kids at the station and the CG is looking for one individual from each flotilla to be on the Christmas party committee.

He reported that Flotilla 91 was called out for a SAR mission and the Coast Guard Reserve is looking for applicants.
Vice Flotilla Commanders Report:

OP:      Report all hours, year to date.
There were 10 patrols for the month of July and 12 are scheduled for August with 1 night navigation patrol scheduled.
Current flotilla readiness: 9 Facilities, 8 Coxswains, 12 Crew, 14 Radio Watch Standers; we need to train more watch standers.

CM:      We had patrols out for 5 days using 7 Facilities.
The Communications Trailer has been relocated to the parking lot in front of our building and will be parked in the first spot by the tree. This should provide more public visibility.

CS:       We are still looking for help in transferring the 96 Beta website.
            The Flotilla 96 Facebook page was set up by Greg Guegerian
            Course notices have been sent to Naples and Bonita Springs Daily News.

FN:        Shuster next provided the staff with an update of the flotilla’s financial status. As of 01 August we had an opening balance of $11,156.95 and total income of $2,630.  Our expense obligations totaled $429.04 which left a closing balance of $13,357.91.

Thompson reported once again that member dues were due July 1st and that we still have several members that have not submitted payment. Our balance sheet will continue to improve as members pay their dues.

IS:        The following hours were reported for the month:
                        73 hours on safety patrol
                        50 hours for on the water member training
                        43.25 hours on radio watch
                        61 vessel exams
                        18 hours of marine dealer visitation
            3,823 hours have been reported to date on the 7029 and only 10 members out of 90 turned in 7029s.

MA:      The search and rescue manikin was received in July.  There is an on-going contest to name the dummy that will run until September 1st.
            A new flag has been purchased and received along with a new American Flag.
            FSO Walters displayed new recruitment posters and reported that he had ordered 20 new ABS books.

MT:      Requals and initial examinations are scheduled for Aug. 22.  The use of the new Manikin will be researched for the proper training usage.  We also need a list of those members that have not taken the sexual harassment course.

NS:       All ATONs have been verified and only te bridges remain to be checked.

PA:       Several PAs are in the queue and recent press releases have been sent to the Banner and the Naples Daily News.
Three speaking dates have been confirmed:
                        Bonita Springs Men’s Club
                        Knights of Columbus
                        Bonita Beach Improvement Association

PE:       The fall class schedule is out and the first ABS class is scheduled for September 17th. 

PB:       Reporting for FSO Harris Shuster stated that those present need to keep sending Harris event pictures. However, there are standards that need to be adhered to in order for us to be in contention for the annual newsletter contest.
                        Make certain that photos of members show them to be wearing the uniform correctly;
                        Photo captions must be complete and absent of credits;
                        Make certain that correct titles of officers are used;
                        Make certain that acronyms are used correctly;
                        Make certain that grammar, spelling and punctuation are correct.

            There have been 4 names submitted for the name the manikin contest and the deadline is September 1st.

            FSO Harris is searching for someone to be the editor of the newsletter.

HR:       FSO Walters, reported that he has several contacts as prospective members and one new prospect that is to attend the General Meeting.

PV:       There are 5 reported visits from one certified member and no additional activity has been reported.

VE:       We have 395 VEs to date and we are leading the Division.  Eleven certified VEs have participated.  Two new members attended the last VE session as observers.
Old Business:   None

New Business:

Jordan Pollack reported that our next fellowship gathering will be at the Coconut Point Hyatt Regency in the Tanglewood Restaurant, September 9th.  Cocktails will be offered starting at 6:30PM with dinner at 7 and the cost is $31.00/per person.  There is a choice of entree of either salmon or chicken.  Please send checks and you choice of entre to Jordan Pollack, 315 Dunes Blvd., Unit 303, Naples, FL  34110

Shuster led a short discussion re: ABS class possibilities and suggestions for speakers.  Member DeJesus suggested that we might be able to present the ABS Course in the public school continuing education program.  Urbanek reminded the group that anyone born after 1/1/88 must take a boating safety course if they want to operate a motorized vessel.  It was also suggested that we might be able to present this as an optional course at FGCU.

Future speaker possibilities are: SeaTow, Collier and Lee Co. Marine Patrols, FL F&W, the marine department at FGCU and local EMTs, i.e. First Aid.   

A motion to adjourn was offered by FSO Lazarro and after due second by FSO Walters, the motion to adjourn was approved by voice vote without dissent.

The meeting was adjourned at 2015 local time.

Submitted by:  FSO-SR, Billy R. Willsey