Thursday, September 15, 2011

Dave Shuster, Vice Flotilla Commander

We are now at the peak of the hurricane season.  This time of year brings a variety of activities.  First and foremost, we must maintain our readiness to respond to any post-hurricane or storm events.  This is a very active time of year for weather.  All operational, flotilla members and facility owners are reminded to have their equipment and uniforms ready.  We escaped Hurricane Irene and anxiously monitor the storm activity developing across the Atlantic.
As we approach the fall season we will see the annual return of our snowbird members.  This brings with it renewed friendships and an increase in flotilla activity.  The flotilla staff should have its planning in place to ramp up our missions when resources increase.  We need to remain focused from the Bridge to the individual member on our goals for this year. 
We’ll be offering a variety of training opportunities this fall.  We need more certified instructors, program visitors, watchstanders, and members interested in marine safety specialties.  Please keep Jim Mayer, our staff officer for Member Training, informed of your interests so we can adequately allocate training and instructor resources.
As the end of the year approaches we begin to look towards next year.  On January 1, 2012 we will have a new Bridge and new staff officers.  Along with this there will be a new set of goals, priorities and activities.  I ask that all members think about their suggestions for the flotilla next year.  We need to integrate the flotilla’s needs with the goals and needs of the District and the active-duty Coast Guard. We are Semper Paratus.