Mike Dobrovic and Richard Sweere |
Tom Rauschenberger, Club President |
The USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 96 Wiggins Pass accepted an invitation to speak at the Optimist Club of Naples. The meeting took place on Thursday 16 December, 2010 at the Wildside Cafe of Naples. A team of auxiliary members delivered a short presentation about what we do to support the United States Coast Guard in promoting safe recreational boating. We distributed safe boating literature and answered questions about our duties and relationship with the United States Coast Guard, explaining that we are the Coast Guard’s direct link to the recreational boating public on safe boating practices and education.
The article and photos of our members at the event were published in the Bonita Banner on Saturday 25 December 2010. The article also was published online in the Naples Daily News with the photos.
The Flotilla 96 Safe Boating Programs schedule for 2011 was sent to the newspapers for publishing in their calendar sections. The eight programs along with the scheduled dates and times were published online in the Naples Daily News.
I would like to thank Dick Sweere for his help with the Optimist Club in setup time, prepping the restaurant video and making the trial run visits with me. And thanks to all the members who helped me perform the Public Affairs function this past year. It has been a wonderful learning experience.