Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110
General Meeting
17 November, 2010
General Members present: 23
Staff Officers present 11
Staff Officers Aides present: 2
Guests Present: 4
Meeting called to order by VFC, Shuster at 1900 hrs. Shuster also led the pledge of allegiance and a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel.
A motion to approve the minutes of the October 20th General meeting was offered by Jordan Pollack and after due second by FSO Jim Mayer, those minutes were approved by voice vote without dissent.
Swearing in of members
FC Urbanek and VFC Shuster performed the swearing in ceremony for new member Gus Karlsen.
FC Urbanek presented our new District Captain West John Tyson
Special Guest
FC Urbanek introduced STAFMBCO Kerner who thanked the flotilla for its support and proceeded to answer questions concerning flotilla operations; i.e.
The new fuel tank is up and available with 4,000 of gas and 2,000 of diesel,
Their operations officers will try to coordinate training with the flotilla when possible,
They need someone to work with their morale officer in the area of fund-raising and planning,
They will be using the AUX for response to distress calls and will inform the flotilla when their units are alerted.
DCS John Tyson reported that the Search Coordination and Rescue course has been offered at several sites in the district. John Marshall will offer the class to be held at our flotilla.
FC Urbanek commented that our Ops patrols need to be scheduled later in the day.
The Change of Watch ceremony is scheduled for December 13, 2010 at the Pelican Isle Yacht and to make your reservations by December 3rd.
The Naples boat show is fast approaching (January 22) and we will need volunteers to participate. There will not be a General nor Staff meeting in December; however, there is a Division meeting scheduled for December 11th.
Vice Flotilla Commander Report
VFC Shuster reminded those present that we will be conducting a safe boating blitz at several locations in the area and volunteers will be appreciated.
VFC Shuster then commented that all AUX/Ops courses will be offered next year.
Staff Officer Remarks
Staff aide Bob Morrison reported on the new 7029 form and that the reporting of hours seems to be increasing.
FSO-MS: Marine Safety is being stepped up and Aldrich encouraged everyone to take the on-line courses leading to certification in Marine Safety.
FSO-PV DePierro reported that flotilla members would be present at Bass Pro Shops and West Marine on Black Friday and possibly at ACE Hardware on Bonita Beach Rd. He also reported that Bass Pro Shop would like us to offer some of our courses at their location on a monthly basis, starting in January 2011.
FOS-FN: Allen Thompson reported that all but nine (9) flotilla members have paid their dues for 2011.
FSO-MT: Mayer reported there is a QE scheduled for November 23rd and that a new program for Coxswains and Crew is scheduled for December/January.
FOS-PE Phill Smith handed out the new schedule for classes starting January 2011.
John Gaston reported on recruiting and retention and said that new ads are bringing in a number of calls and that the committee is planning a survey requesting ideas regarding member recruitment.
FSO-VE: Arnal reported there will be VEs conducted at Lover’s Key Nov. 27th and to date we have booked over 500 VEs. We have qualified nine (9) new VEs this year.
Currently we have 17 paid members and 4 guests committed for the Change of Watch on 12/13.The Cheers party is scheduled for January 8th, starting at 4:30 PM, at the Barefoot Beach Club on Bonita Beach Rd. The charge is $5.00/person, of course the dress is casual.
Currently we have 17 paid members and 4 guests committed for the Change of Watch on 12/13.The Cheers party is scheduled for January 8th, starting at 4:30 PM, at the Barefoot Beach Club on Bonita Beach Rd. The charge is $5.00/person, of course the dress is casual.
FSO-OP Lazzaro conducted the operations report and boat crew scheduling. He also reminded those present that scheduling or changes can be documented at flotilla96@yahoo.com.
Old Business
New Business
The meeting was adjourned at 2015 local time.
Submitted by:
FSO-SR Billy R. Willsey