Thursday, January 13, 2011

The Teams to Team Up With

Program Visitors:
Bernie Appelman    Jerry Lipps
Neil Arnal                  Mel Milstein
Michael DiPierro      Bob Morrison                       
Mike Dobrovic           Dick Sweere
Ned Herrmann         John Tyson

Vessel Examiners:
Randi Aldrich                       Jim Mayer       
Bernie Appelman    Mel Milstein
Neil Arnal                  Robert Morrison
Dan Beauchemin    Mike Murphy                        
Larry Bowers             Al Poyser
Richard Brant           Dave Shuster
Matt Chester             Grant Skaggs
Michael DiPierro      Phillip Smith
Mike Dobrovic           Richard Sweere
Sean Hanley              AllenThompson
Vince Lattuca           John Tyson
Max LeFevre             Larry Urbanek
                             Bill Willsey