Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Greg Guederian, Public Affairs

By the time you read this, we will have participated in two boat shows this March.  Congratulations to those of you who stepped up, pitched in, and made these events a success. 
                                                         Dave Shuster, Flotilla Commander; CWO4 Jeff Kerner, CO at Station FMB; 
                              Michael Dobrovic, at Grady Fest.  Photo by Virginia Russell.
Special kudos to Ned Herrmann and Michael DiPierro for donating their time and elbow grease to spruce up the Communications trailer for the Bonita Bay Boat Show.

Neil Arnal and his platoon of examiners descended upon Fish Tale Marina and scored

L to R:  John Gaston, Herman the dummy, Mike Clukey and Phill Smith at Grady Fest.  Photo by Jim Mayer

big during Grady Fest. Their efforts were rewarded with leads which will help to fill our boating safety classes, increase the number of inspected vessels, and add to our ranks with new members. For those of you who were unable to assist because of scheduling conflicts, you will have many opportunities in the future and we look forward to your participation.  Boatshow watchstanding is a critical mission of the Auxiliary.

Special thanks to Jim Mayer, who has been ferreting out speaking opportunities, as well as helping to coordinate Public Affairs, Recreational Boating Safety, and Vessel Examination activities. For me, Jim is a source of inspiration and a premium example of what a "can do" attitude can accomplish.