Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Michael DiPierro, Program Visitation

The month of February was one of transition. Neil Arnal handed the Program Visitation reins over to me this month as his workload continued to mount. Stepping in to help Neil was a privilege, and building on the great work he did makes the job even easier. Thank you, Neil.

We certified one new PV this past month, Peter Holsten. Welcome Pete, to Team PV. Pete will help us improve our visitation numbers this year and augment our February count of 33 visits, with 66 visits year-to-date. We also opened three new partners this past month. Good work, Team PV. The group will gather monthly one-half hour before the OPS meeting every first Wednesday of the month to review statistics and best practices.
Michael DiPierro arranges a Vessel Safety Check at the
Bonita Bay Boat Show.  Photo by Greg Guederian.

The focus of this year’s efforts will be to open new Partners and make our existing Partners participate more in promoting our Public Eduation classes to their customers. Another important concentration will be to promote new members. Growing our Flotilla is an obligation we all share and our partners are on the front line of a large number of boaters, many of whom may be interested in becoming Auxiliarists.