Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Minutes In a Minute

November 16, 2011.  Thirty-two members attended the general meeting and we welcomed three guests:  Ralph Catanese, Ray Mino, and our Auxiliary Liaison officer, Samuel Muentes from Station Fort Myers Beach.

In addition to other awards, our Flotilla Commander, Larry Urbanek, recognized six members who completed the recent Flotilla Leadership Course.  Citations included Billy Willsey, ribbon; George Stancil, Bronze Star; Phill Smith, Bronze Star; Al Lazzaro (not present) Bronze Star; Gus Karlsen (not present) ribbon; and John Gaston, Bronze Star.

Announcements of Interest:
·         Dave Shuster, incoming Flotilla Commander, announced three goals for the flotilla in the coming year:
1.    Significantly increase recruiting and retention
2.    Improve mission excellence in all areas
3.    Expand organizational relationships
·         Allen Thompson, Finance Officer, reported that 20 members have not paid their yearly dues.
·         Six trainees are taking the Telecommunications Officer class.
·         After a successful presentation to about 100 members at the Brooks Fishing Club, they have expressed interest in hosting a safe boating class at their facility.
We have conducted 450 Vessel Examinations this year and need 66 more to break last year’s record.


Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110

General Meeting

16 November, 2011

General Members present: 19
Staff Officers present 13 
Staff Officers Aides present: 0
Guests Present 3

The meeting was called to order by Dave Shuster, Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC) at 1900 hrs.  After leading the pledge of allegiance FC Urbanek called for a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel.

A motion to approve the minutes of the October 19th General Meeting was offered by Ed Walters and after due second by Richard Brant, those minutes were approved as submitted, by voice vote without dissent.

Flotilla Commander’s Report

Introduction of Guests;
Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander (FC) introduced the Flotilla’s  AUC, Petty Officer Samuel Muentes, Ralph Catanese and Raymond Mino. 

Presentation of Awards:

            Performance Awards
            James Mayer, Operations, Ribbon “O” (not present)
            Grant Skaggs, Operations, Ribbon “O”
            Phillip Smith, Operations  Bronze Star
            George Stancil, VE/PV RBS Bronze Star

Telecommunications Operator Award
            Richard Brant, Bronze Star

TCT Training Certificate
Richard Brant
Michael DiPierro
Gregory Guederian
Ned Herrmann
Michael Murphy

10 Year Member Service Award
Donald Martoccio, Bronze Star (Not Present)

Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC)
Billy Willsey, Ribbon
George Stancil, Bronze Star
Phil Smith, Bronze Star
Al Lazarro, Bronze Star (Not Present)
Gus Karlsen, Ribbon (Not Present)
John Gaston, Bronze Star

FC Urbanek reported from the Division Board meeting:

The CG is requesting that diversity training be held for all CGAUX.
We will be held to ever increasing standards of excellence for all phases of AUX operations.
We need to match our patrols with times of need i.e. weekends, the end of the boating day or on holidays, etc.
Acting under orders, we may be requested to assist the FL F&W in towing a boat being operated by a disabled crew, i.e. intoxicated, to a safe location.  We will not accept passengers and while under orders we may be requested to drive the vessel to a safe location.
The Republican Convention will be held next year in Tampa and the CG may need extra crew form the CGAUX.
The Christmas Party for CG children is scheduled for Dec. 10th at the Ft. Meyers Bch. Station and volunteers are needed to help with the program.

Vice Flotilla Commanders Report:

District Chief of Staff John Tyson reported that an IS 210 course will be scheduled in the near future and anyone interested in becoming a coxswain must take this course.

Summary of Staff Officer Reports

VFC Shuster reported that the Flotilla has three goals for this upcoming year:
1.      Significantly increase recruiting and retention
2.      Improve mission excellence in all areas
3.      Expand organizational relationships

He thanked all staff officers and committee members for their hard work and support during this past year and announced the new staff officers for 2012.

Communications                     Ed Walters                  Operations                   Ned Herrmann
Finance                                    Allen Thompson          Publications                 Emily Harris
Information Services               Robert Morrison          Public Affairs              Greg Guederian
Program Visitation                  Neil Arnal                   Secretary/Records       Billy Willsey
Public Education                     Michael Clukey           Vessel Examination    Neil Arnal
Member Training                     Lawrence Urbanek      Navigation Services    Grant Skaggs

Summary of Staff Officer Reports

CM:    The Communications Trailer still has not been relocated; however, the issue regarding the title, registration and license plates seems to have been straightened out.

CS:      There will be a conference call between concerned participants regarding the web site redo.
FN:      Shuster next provided the staff with an update of the flotilla’s financial status. We had an opening balance of $13,703.60 and total income of $359.00.  Our expense obligations totaled were $353.19 which left a closing balance of $13,709.41.

FSO Thompson reported that 20 members have not paid their yearly dues.

HR:     We have two new members in the pending stage and two more possible.

IS:       The following hours were reported for the month:
                        73.5 hours on safety patrol
                        28 hours member training
                        33.75 hours on radio watch
                        12 hours on VEs and 15 vessel exams
                        16 hours of marine dealer visitation
            2,242 hours reported on the 7029 form
            2,436.25 Total Member Hrs

MT:    There six trainees at the TCO class last evening.       

OP:     There were 8 patrols for October and 12 patrols for the month of November. The next Ops meeting is scheduled for November 21st at 1830hrs.
Current flotilla readiness:
            10 Facilities
              9 Coxswains
            15 Crew
            15 Radio Watch Standers
Sign up for patrols by emailing

PA:     Press releases have been sent to the Naples Daily News and the local Banner announcing the upcoming Safe Boating Class.
            There was an AUX presentation made to the Brooks Fishing Club on November 8th to approximately 100 members.  The club is very interested in a safe boating class at the Brooks Enrichment facility.
            Upcoming speaking engagements are scheduled for the Bonita Springs Men’s Club, the Bonita Beach Improvement Association, the Riverwoods Yacht Club, the Pelican Isle Yacht Club and the Knights of Columbus.

PE:      Classes in Suddenly in Command (SIC) and Local Water Knowledge (LWK) are scheduled.

PB:      The latest Hatchcover has been published and there is a very nice article about FSO Bobbi Skaggs and her team of ATON Verifiers inspecting and verifying all 400 local ATONs.
FSO Harris is still searching for someone to be the editor of the newsletter.
SR:      The latest AUX roster was sent out and a new one will be available after the upcoming Change of Watch.

VE:     We have conducted 450 VEs to date and need 66 more to break last year’s record. We are leading the Division.  FSO-Arnal reminded those present that all certified VEs need 5 VSCs each year to remain qualified.

Old Business: Don’t forget the flotilla Change of Watch scheduled for Dec. 15th at the Pelican Isle Yacht Club and the Dist. Change of Watch scheduled for Dec. 3rd at St. Hillarys.

New Business:

A motion to adjourn from FSO-Smith was seconded by IPFC-Skaggs and after the approved motion, the meeting was adjourned at 2010 local time.

Submitted by:  FSO-SR, Billy R. Willsey