Our flotilla faces some challenges this year as our membership is down marginally from prior years due to local demographic changes, recessionary pressures on the boating industry and the aging of our members. To rebuild our membership, we have a very active recruitment and retention plan that began last year. Thanks to Program Visitation work by Neil Arnal and Dave Shuster, we already have several new recruits who will be inducted soon.
Flotilla Operations, under the capable leadership of Ned Hermann, will have increased emphasis in the areas of on-water training and safety. We intend to improve our Crew and Coxswain qualification programs through scenario-based training and SABOT (Standardized Auxiliary Boat Operations Training) methods to be implemented later this year. Our Member Training efforts are in the capable hands of Larry Urbanek as FSO-MT.
Our Vessel Examination program set another high goal in excess of 550 for vessel safety checks which now include nonmotorized craft such as kayaks, canoes and personal watercraft that are prevalent on our local waters. Under the continuing leadership of Neil Arnal, we expect 600 vessel safety checks could be achieved this year.
Public Affairs, now in the capable hands of Greg Guederian, will see increased emphasis on media and internet-based advertising as well as an increased presence at area marine events and select conferences.
Emily Harris is once again filling our Publications staff position and we look forward to seeing new and exciting articles in Hatchcover and local publications.
Ed Walters is serving in two roles. Besides being staff officer for Communications, he is filling in at Human Resources until a new Human Resources staff officer is appointed. Thank you, Ed.
Grant Skaggs will lead our efforts in Navigation Systems for 2012. No ATON or PATON will be left unwatched.
George Stancil has stepped up to lead our Marine Safety program, which is so critical to the marine environment and the State of Florida.
Allen Thompson is filling the Finance position again
Bill Willsey will again serve as our Secretary of records, without whom we would not be able to function.