September 21, 2011
Attending: 24 members, one guest.
After preliminaries, Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander, introduced our new Auxiliary Liason Officer (AUXLO) DC2 Samuel Muentes, who spoke briefly about his background and expressed pleasure at his assignment to Flotilla 96.
Announcements of interest:
· Division Board has said anyone participating in on-water activities may soon be required to take OSHA’s Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response Standard (HAZWOPER) course.
· We are getting four 55 mph life jackets for patrol use. They will be marked to identify them as property of the flotilla and will be subject to strict rules for checking them in and out.
· A Search, Coordinate and Execute course will be offered in late October or November.
· Some patrols have been cancelled because watchstanders were not available. Look for a class for Telecommunications Operators soon.
· The one-day Flotilla Leadership course is scheduled for Saturday, October 29, at 8:00 am at the flotilla building.
· Our Public Education classes have resumed with a fall schedule printed in the brochure available on the door of the flotilla building.
Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110
General Meeting
21 September, 2011
General Members present: 12
Staff Officers present 11
Staff Officers Aides present: 1
Guests Present 1
The meeting was called to order by Dave Shuster, Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC) at 1900 hrs. After leading the pledge of allegiance Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander, called for a moment of silence in remembrance of our fallen armed services personnel.
A motion to approve the minutes of the August 17th General Meeting was offered by Richard Brant and after due second by Jordan Pollack, those minutes were approved as submitted, by voice vote without dissent.
Flotilla Commander’s Report
Introduction of Guests;
Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander (FC) introduced the Flotilla’s new AUC, Petty Officer Samuel Muentes. The FC asked Muentes for comments.
Presentation of Awards:
Auxiliary Member Service Award
Vincent Lattuca, 10 years Bronze Star (not present)
Michael Chiaramonte, 5 years Ribbon (Not Present)
Susan Roseberry, 5 years Ribbon (Not Present)
Sustained Auxiliary Service Award
David Shuster, Sixth Award- Silver Star
Michael Clukey, Fourth Award-Bronze Star
Edward Walters, First Award-Ribbon (Not Present)
Vessel Examiner
Alexander Novak, Ribbon (Not Present)
John Gaston, Oar Device
Coxswain Requalification
Grant Skaggs
Larry Urbanek
Boat Crew Requalification
Jim Mayer
Urbanek next reported that at the last Division Board Meeting and once again, CGAUX members must wear the uniform correctly. This isn’t McHale’s Navy.
The fuel problem has been resolved. Anyone participating in on-water activities, patrols, etc. may soon be required to take the hazardous water safety course titled Haz Wop.
The flotilla will receive four, 55mph PFDs for patrol use. They will be stenciled identifying them as belonging to the flotilla and a strict system of checking the PFDs in and out will be enforced.
Concluding his report, Urbanek he reminded the group that an S C&E course will be scheduled for late Oct. or early Nov. The Division meeting is scheduled for Saturday October 1st St Hillarys.
Vice Flotilla Commanders Report:
Summary of Staff Officer Reports
CM: We must train more watchstanders, some patrols have had to be cancelled because there was no watchstander available.
The Communications Trailer has not been relocated.
CS: We are still looking for help in transferring the 96 Beta website and may need to re-publish the site.
FN: Shuster next provided the staff with an update of the flotilla’s financial status. As of 01 September we had an opening balance of $13,357.91 and total income of $590. Our expense obligations totaled $1,245.633 which left a closing balance of $12,702.28.
FSO Thompson reported once again that member dues were due July 1st and that we still have 30 members that have not submitted payment. Our balance sheet will continue to improve as members pay their dues.
FC Urbanek suggested that each delinquent member be contacted directly.
HR: We have one new member in process.
IS: The following hours were reported for the month:
72 hours on safety patrol
0 hours for on the water member training
80 hours on radio watch
8 vessel exams
5 hours of marine dealer visitation
There was 982 hours reported on the 7029 form.
MA: The search and rescue manikin has been named Herman and after a quick smell test it is obvious that we will need specific training for using Herman. There was some discussion regarding how to properly raise Herman into one of our vessels. We must be cognizant of possible lower back issues when trying to recover “Herman” and the life sling may be the best option.
.MT: The recovery of the new manikin that will be used in man overboard drills, will be researched for the proper training in its usage. We also need to find a better storage place for Herman.
All QEs were completed. The number of TCO candidates (7) will require us to hold a special class to accomplish most of the task sign-offs.
The Flotilla Leadership Course (FLC) is scheduled for Saturday Oct. 29th at 0800 and will take most of the day and an 8hr TCT course is scheduled for the CG Station FMB.
The election committee consisting of Grant Skaggs and Maxim LeFevre must receive letters of intent from potential candidates.
OP: There were 12 patrols for the month of August. The next Ops meeting is scheduled for November 7th at 1830hrs.
Current flotilla readiness:
9 Facilities
8 Coxswains
12 Crew
14 Radio Watch Standers
We need to train more watch standers.
NS: All ATONs have been verified.
PA: Press releases have been sent to the Naples Daily News and the local Banner announcing the current PE schedule.
PE: The fall class schedule is out and the first ABS class was held September 17th. Session two is scheduled for Sept. 24, 0900-2100 hrs. A Local Water Knowledge (LWK) course is scheduled for Thursday September 22, 1900-2100 hrs.
Classes scheduled for October and December are Lines and Knots (LAW) and Suddenly in Command (SIC).
PB: The latest Hatchcover has been published.
FSO Harris is searching for someone to assist her and eventually taking over as the editor of the newsletter.
VE: We have conducted 415 VEs to date and we are leading the Division. Eleven certified VEs have participated. Two new members attended the last VE session as observers.
FSO Lazzaro presented the operations schedule for the upcoming patrol period.
Old Business: None
New Business:
Jordan Pollack reported that the next fellowship meeting will be the Cheers Party and is scheduled for January 7, 2012 at the Barefoot Beach Club.
Urbanek called on Richard Brant to report on his meetings with the Emergency Operations Command (EOC). Richard reminded the group that we need an inventory and location of all disaster equipment and to remember that we are still in hurricane season.
He said the EOC Plan looks good on paper.
After an approved motion, the meeting was adjourned at 2000 local time.
Submitted by: FSO-SR, Billy R. Willsey