Monday, October 10, 2011

John Gaston, Communications Services

After several months of review and many attempts to find an Auxiliarist with experience in website design, we have decided to redesign our website to conform to a PC standard instead of the existing Macintosh platform.   This means that additional time will be required to build a new site that conforms to the template provided by the national Auxiliary. Until then the current website and blogspot will serve for those who want to keep up-to-date on flotilla programs via the Internet. Like the crew of a boat on the open water, we are learning to improvise and make do with our existing resources. The rebuilding of our website will be an important part of our planning for 2012.
Other activities this month included updating the Flotilla email distribution list, thanks to Bill Willsey. This list will be sent to all members in October. Blast emails this month included several topics, including a TCT Class reminder, September 11 Remembrance and two reminders for dues payment.