Monday, October 10, 2011

Larry Urbanek, Flotilla Commander

The 2011 hurricane season has but a scant six weeks to go. As we wind down from what appears to be a relatively quiet season, we must not lower our guard.

Instead, we should be evaluating our preparations for 2011 and trying to improve our efforts going into next year. Did we get all of our important documents ready for a short notice departure? Did we have emergency rations available? Was the water we put aside enough for several days? Did we have a uniform and ID ready for re-entry into a disaster area? Did we notify the appropriate people of our travel and our intentions in the event of an emergency?

 I cannot stress enough the necessity of having a plan and then working that plan. Best intentions will never get us through. We need to have a written plan and follow it. If you have never done this before, this is a great time to prepare for 2012.

The conclusion of the Hurricane season is a great time to use up the water and rations you set aside so that you have fresh consumable items next year. You can also look at the paperwork you have accumulated to determine what needs to be upgraded or eliminated. You should also examine flares or other time sensitive items to insure you have working equipment.

 These are but a few simple ideas to insure the safety of you and your family and they will be a significant step toward being Semper Paratus.