Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Minutes in a Minute

October 17, 2012
Thirty-six members attending.

Tom Hart (center) with wife, Diane, and
Flotilla Commander Dave Shuster.
After preliminaries, new member Tom Hart was sworn in by Dave Shuster, Flotilla Commander.

New leadership was elected for 2013.  Jim Mayer was elected Flotilla Commander and Richard Laughlin was elected Flotilla Vice Commander. 

The Coast Guard wants more Marine Safety responders to help with environmental emergencies and inspection of commercial fishing vessels.  Paul Thompson volunteered. Others interested should contact Shuster.

Shuster reported favorable progress on goals for the year, including 342 vessel exams and 305 program visits.

Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110

General Meeting

17 October, 2012

General Members present: 24
Staff Officers present: 12 
Staff Officers Aides present: 0
Guests Present: 0

The meeting was called to order by John Gaston Vice Flotilla Commander (VFC) at 1900 hrs.  The pledge of allegiance was led by Gaston and Dave Shuster (FC) called for a moment of silence in remembrance of our armed services personnel who have given the ultimate sacrifice.

Shuster waived reading of the July 18th General Meeting minutes and called for a motion to approve those minutes as presented.  The motion was offered by Larry Urbanek, Vice Division Commander (VDC) and after due second by Neil Arnal, those minutes were approved as submitted, by voice vote without dissent.

Swearing in of New Member:

Mr. Thomas Elvis Hart was sworn in as a new member, by Shuster and Gaston.

Flotilla Commander’s Report

Awards and Certificates: 

Flotilla 96 received The Growth Award
The Auxiliary Performance Award to Bob Morrison
The 5 year Auxiliary Membership Service Award
A Vessel Examiner’s Certification for Len Nuzzo, not present
A Program Visitor’s Certification for Sean Hanley, not present
A Program Visitor’s Certification for Rich Laughlin
An Auxiliary Sustained Service Award for Al Lazzaro
An Auxiliary Sustained Service Award for Rich Traverse

The Commodore’s Certificate of Excellence, Multi- Directorative O/MS, RBS, MS and
The Commodore’s Certificate of Excellence, CG Operations/Administrative Support for George Stancil who was not present.

Shuster next reported from the Division Board that the new CG OTO is CWO Chris Acklin. He has introduced a new procedure for QEs called the “Three Bust” rule.  After a first QE, qualifiers that do not pass then are tested by different QEs, if they fail the second time they are tested by OTO Acklin and if they fail the third time, they are busted from the program.  
 Shuster next reported on the DTrain elections:

            DCO-Elect John Tyson
            DCAPT-W-Braxton Esell
            DCAPT-E-Judith Hudson
            DCAPT-N-Dave Fuller
            DCOS DCO-Elect Bob Weskerna

Shuster called on Urbanek VDC for a short report from the Division. 

He went on to report that the CG would like to have more Marine Safety responders.  Marine Safety covers environmental protection, spillage of contaminants in coastal waters and inspection of commercial fishing vessels. 

Urbanek then explained that anyone interested should contact Shuster and that the training and subsequent assignment requires a significant commitment of time.

Shuster called to the group for any volunteers.  Paul Thompson volunteered.

The FC next reported on the flotilla’s progress towards its goals (the Dashboard) and highlighted VEs (we have 342 towards a goal of 525), and PVs (we have 305PVs towards a goal of 250).  Regarding HR, we currently have 9 new members towards a goal of 15

In concluding his report, Shuster reminded the group of the change in the OPs Meeting schedule back to the 1st Wednesday of the month from 1900-2030 hrs. for November and December.

Vice Flotilla Commander’s Report

Gaston reported that we need to consider a security plan for our meetings and he has formed a risk assessment group that includes himself, Tom Hart and Matt Chester.  After some discussion regarding safety of the group it was suggested that we consider locking the meeting room doors just at the start of the meetings.

He then called on FSO Arnal for an update on the Change of Watch meeting scheduled for Thursday, December 13, 2012, 6:30 pm at the Pelican Isle Yacht Club.  The cost is $39.00/per person and checks should be sent to Neil Arnal. 


Shuster next called for elections of FC and VFC and appointed DCO elect John Tyson, IPFC Grant Skaggs and FSO-SR Bill Willsey as trustees responsible for counting the ballets, if necessary.

Jim Mayer was running for FC and after FC Shuster called three times for any nominations from the floor, Bernie Appelman motioned for the nominations to be closed and after due second by Neil Arnal the motion to close the nomination for FC was passed by voice vote with no dissent.

Shuster called for the vote and after 1 vote, Jim Mayer was elected as the new Flotilla 96 Commander.

Neil Arnal then nominated Richard Laughlin for Vice Flotilla Commander.  After due second, it was determined that Mr. Laughlin was eligible to serve but needs to file a letter of intent.
After the call for nominations from the floor, Bernie Appelman motioned to close the nominations for VFC and after due second by Jordan Pollack the motion to close the nominations was approved by voice vote without dissent.  Shuster called for the vote, after receiving the vote, Rich Laughlin was elected as the new VFC for Flotilla 96.

Old Business

FSO Clukey brought the group up to date on the up-coming ABS Course that will be held at the Backwater Jacks in the Bonita Bay Marina, Tuesday November 27th and Wednesday November 28th.

FSO Walters reminded the group of the TCO Class on Monday and Thursday.

New Business:     

The Bonita Springs River Fest is scheduled for this week-end and we could end up with 40-60 vessel examinations.

Urbanek discussed the CPR and First Aid class scheduled for October 27th at the Flotilla and submitted a motion for the Flotilla to cover the cost of the class for all Coxwains and Crew that attend.  Appelman seconded the motion and some discussion regarding the cost ensued.

FSO Thompson asked for an amendment to the motion that would allow the Flotilla to cover the cost for any member that wanted to attend.  That amendment failed to achieve a second. 

Shuster called for a voice vote on the original motion which passed by voice vote with one exception.

A motion to adjourn was offered by Phil Smith and after due second by Ed Walters the motion was approved and the meeting was adjourned at 2030 hrs.

Submitted by:  FSO-SR, Billy R. Willsey