Monday, October 8, 2012

The Minutes in a Minute

September 27, 2012

After preliminaries our Flotilla Commander, Dave Shuster, introduced guest speakers Jennifer Richards and Jack Erbes from Hinckley Yachts, who gave a video presentation and answered questions from members.

Larry Urbanek, FSO for Member Training, announced that patrols could resume October 1 with fuel available at Station Fort Myers Beach. To recertify your boat as an auxiliary facility, Urbanek said you must submit Form 7003 to Neil Arnal.

Shuster asked those who want to qualify for the Ready for Operations program to use a sign-up sheet. John Tyson, newly elected Commodore of the Auxiliary’s 7th District, spoke briefly about the district’s strategic plan.

Items of interest:
·      Future Operations meetings will be first Wednesday of month at 1900 hours.
·      Change of Watch to be at Pelican Isle Yacht Club December 13.
·      John Gaston reported on staff activities and thanked Richard Laughlin and Tom Hart for readying the flotilla building for the meeting after renovations.
·      Revised Standing Rules were approved.
·      Laughlin said interior renovation is complete except for kitchen floor to be installed next week.
·      A committee devoted to threats to flotilla safety and security will include John Gaston, Matt Chester and Tom Hart.

United States Coast Guard Auxiliary
Flotilla 96 – Wiggins Pass, Florida
Minutes of General Meeting
September 27, 2012

The Flotilla Meeting was call to order at 1900 by VFC, John Gaston followed by The Pledge of Allegiance followed by a moment of silent prayer for all fallen armed forces personnel. FC, David Shuster then offered to read the minutes from the prior General Meeting. Hearing no requests, the motion was made by the FC to approve the prior meeting minutes and then seconded by Neil Arnal, FSO-VE.

Visiting guests from Hinckley Yachts (Jennifer Richards and Jack Erbes) were then introduced by David Shuster followed by a video presentation and question/answer period. Ms. Richards pointed out that no two Hinckley Yachts are exactly alike and that technology, quality and customer service are primary drivers for the sales of these high-end yachts, which are still manufactured in Maine after 75 years. The recession hurt Hinckley but the company survived and is on a growth path according to Ms. Richards.

Award presentations were then made to Flotilla members and Staff for various certifications, service longevity and outstanding achievements.

Larry Urbanek, FSO-MT then provided an overview from the Division Board meeting indicating that Patrols can resume on October 1 with fuel available at STAFMB. The new OTO is CWO Chris Acklin and the new SO-OPS is Dave Swartz, FC at Flotilla 91.
Boat/facility owners must submit Form 7003 for AUXFAC recertification to Neil Arnal, FSO-VE. The form is then given to the FC for signature, then mailed to Steve Ganun, DC-Prevention then forward to DIRAUX for processing. Estimated time to process 7003s is unknown at this time.

Tropical storm Isaac, fortunately,  passed west of our AOR so we do not expect ATON damage. However, no ATONs were inspected after Isaac due to “no money” in the budget.

Dave Shuster then covered DTRAIN activities mentioning elections, classes and workshops.(see FC Meeting Agenda Notes for detail). He then went on to describe the relationship between Operations Excellence, SABOT and RFO (Ready For Operations) training. Members of the Flotilla interested in becoming RFO qualified were asked to put their names on a sign up sheet.

The newly elected DCOS, John Tyson briefly described the District Strategic Plan and the relevance to our Flotilla.

Next Ops meeting changed to 1st Wed of the month, 1900-2030.

Change of Watch to be at Pelican Isle Yacht Club, December 13
John Gaston, VFC reported on staff activities including the decline during summer months in VE, PV and OP. He thanked Rich Laughlin and Tom Hart for their hard work in getting the Flotilla building ready for this meeting following extensive renovations. He also pointed out that there were significant PA activities during summer months thanks to Jim Mayer and Dave Shuster who gave many public presentations to enhance our new member recruiting efforts. 

Larry Urbanek then gave an MT update with future dates for TCO, CPR/First Aid, IDC and TCT training classes. (see FC Agenda Notes for details).New Business 

Dave Shuster, FC, then asked for a vote on the New and Revised Standing Rules. By unanimous vote, the New Standing Rules were passed.

Rich Laughlin, Building Committee Chairman, then gave an update of the Flotilla Building and docks against the plan. The interior is complete with the exception of the galley/kitchen floor, which is to be installed next week.

John Gaston, VFC,  then discussed Flotilla Security/Safety as it relates to the building and particularly when members are gathered in large numbers for meetings. He said that “we fly the flag all the time” and with the recent increase in terrorist activities we need to be more aware of our environment and take measures to protect our members, particularly during meetings. Matt Chester mentioned that we (and the building) are a soft target similar to a “school house”. It was agreed that we would continue a discussion after the meeting ended. John Gaston, Matt Chester and Tom Hart offered to make up the nucleus of a Flotilla Safety/Security Committee to address this concern and develop an action plan. If approved, John Gaston will arrange a meeting in the near future.

At 2030 Dave Shuster made a motion to adjourn the meeting, which was seconded by Ed Walters.

                                                                                                John G. Gaston III VFC