Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Grant Skaggs, Navigation Systems

The flotilla verified 15 private aids to navigation in May for a total of 269 for the year. There are about 400 aids to navigation in our area of responsibility so we still need to observe about 130 aids as soon as we can.  A lot of the remaining aids are in Spring Creek. These will be difficult to observe because of the shallow water and narrow channels in that area.

We are still formulating a plan for training aids to navigation (AV) verifiers.  The staff officer for navigation systems for our division, Paul LeBlanc, is now qualified to be a mentor and qualification examiner (QE) for verifiers.  I am working with our flotilla commander and our member-training officer to provide AV training in the future. But first we must make a plan with the division staff officer for navigation services so our instruction will meet division requirements.

Notations on the map  show the general areas where our aids to navigation are located.