Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt
Florida 34110
General Meeting July 17, 2012
Attending: 24 members and two guests.
Called to order at 1905,
followed by Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence for fallen servicemen.
Jim Mayer, FC, gave a brief overview of the
Minutes of previous meeting
approved unanimously.
COMO John Tyson said Flotilla 96 measures up well
this year compared to other flotillas, 107 in all, especially in new
membership. Auxiliary leadership plans
to offer more online courses and will share some of the revenue with local
Speaker Jonathon Blake from Boat US recounted various incidents of unsafe
boating on and around July 4 with serious damage or loss of boat but no
fatalities. Alcohol is one of the
primary cases of boating accidents, he said.
Encouraged the auxiliary’s efforts in vessel safety checks. “Keep on doing what you’re doing,” he
Awards: Tom
Hart, FSO-HR,
Certificate for completion of online Introduction to Marine Safety and
Environmental Protection. Tom emphasized
the need for more certified MS in auxiliary to supplement the short-handed
staff at Ft. Myers Beach.
Richard Laughlin, FVC, summarized member training courses
for summer and fall:
Two-session class for Vessel
Safety Checks on August 24 and 31 at flotilla building. The second will be hands-on experience with
vessels at our dock. All encouraged to
attend. Contact Peter Wallace, AFSO-MT.
Telecommunications Operator
Course will be ten sessions on Monday and Thursday evenings beginning September
9. Required for watchstanders and boat
crew. Contact Peter Wallace, AFSO-MT.
Other classes of interest planned: Boat crew to begin in October. Aux Food Specialist class of three 8-hour
days will prepare you for serving meals at Station FMB or aboard CG Cutter
Marlin. Contact Tom Hart.
Aids to Navigation Verifier Workshop
Course will be held in Flotilla 98 (Punta
Gorda). There will be two sessions workshop this fall.
Dates are Saturday, October 12 and Saturday,
November 2. Hours are 8am – 5pm
Phill Smith reviewed efforts to update content of
our PE class on Local Waters Knowledge with new photos, a voluntary effort by
local media specialists with only Wiggins Pass and New Pass left to complete.
Staff Officer Reports:
Jeff Doyle, FSO-MS:
Giving Sea Partners presentation in local elementary school on July 29.
Al Lazzaro for Michael DiPierro,
New SO-OPS is John Sollecito.
Only one patrol completed in June.
July looks slow, too. Plan needed to support radio for fall patrols, most
difficult part of system to manage. Ops
meetings discontinued but will begin again in September on last Wednesday of
each month.
Paul Thompson, FSO-IS:
Recommended sending 7029 every month.
Urged members to keep copies of paperwork related to activities to
assure proper credit for hours.
Exploring use of Web-X to include absent members in active meetings.
Tom Hart, FSO-HR: Now have 102 active members. Distributed a list of mandated Member
Training classes, most available on line.
This included instructions for setting up and using your LMS (Learning
Management System) account. Awarded
certificates to Frank Raab and Sue Brugett for LMS courses completed on line.
Jim Mayer for Peter Holsten,
FSO-Finance: Twenty-one checks received for dues due in
July, with generous donations.
No new businesss, no old
Moved, seconded and adjourned at
2020 hours.
Respectfully submitted:
Emily Harris, FSO-SR