Friday, March 22, 2013

Minutes of General Meeting March 20, 2013


Flotilla 96
13531 Vanderbilt Drive
Naples, Florida 34110

General Meeting March 20, 2013
Attending:  38 members and four guests

Meeting called to order at 7:00 p.m.
Pledge of allegiance and moment of silence observed.

Flotilla Commander Jim Mayer gave a brief overview of the meeting agenda.

Commodore John Tyson reported that sequester has reduced travel and C schools for the auxiliary, but budget for patrols remains the same.  Reminded members to update personal information on online form 7028.  (Handout with instructions was distributed.)

Introduction of guests:  David Raphael, Ralph Catanese, Sue Brugett and Tom Vizioli.

FVC Rich Laughlin urged members to wear the uniform correctly and led an exercise for those attending to inspect each other.

Brief presentation on Sexual Harassment by Peter Wallace, cautioning all to be alert to prevent person-to-person incidents as well as hostile environment.  Tyson added that “unintended” emails have sometimes caused problems.

New member pledge administered by Mayer and Laughlin to Carol DiCostanzo and Brandon Gosselin.  Lourdes Quiterio reenrolled as member.

Mayer announced that the Audit Committee has declared our books are clean.

Certificates for 8-hour TCT to Laly Santiago, Ray Mino, Matt Chester and Larry Bowers.
Certificate of appreciation to Jerry Lipps from TSA.
Gold star to Michael Dobrovic for program visits.
Five-year service awards to:  Michael DiPierro, Michael Dobrovic, Andy Evva, Emily Harris and Win Schrader .
25-year service award to Ron Strom.

Staff Reports:

Michael DiPierro, Operations:  Ops is totally occupied with crew training.  Hurricane prep will be discussed at Ops meeting on 27th.  Bosun Miller from FMB will be at that meeting.  Dredging crew is removing huge rocks from inside Wiggins Pass.

Len Nuzzo, Vessel Examinations:  Team will be at Lovers Key 2nd and 4th Saturdays every month.   Certificates have come through for some qualified examiners.  Ready to help any who need to requal for VE.

Jeff Doyle, Marine Safety:  Primary concern is pollution and environmental protection.  Four guys in MS office in Fort Myers are looking for help.  HazMat course there coming up.

Tom Hart, Human Resources:  We have 99 members, second highest in the division.  Some will be lost soon.  Everyone needs to help with recruiting and retention.  Fill out the 7028 to update the Coast Guard’s skills bank.

Paul Thompson, Information Services:  Updating flotilla computers.  Working on website and Facebook with Heidi. Heidi demonstrated the flotilla’s Facebook pages and asked for contributions from members.

Richard Laughlin, FVC:  Hurricane planning is under way and will be covered at our next meeting.

Jim Mayer, Flotilla Commander:  Bestowed the Paintbrush Award for outstanding cooperation in repainting and refurbishing the flotilla building to Rich Laughlin, Tom Hart, and Ray Mino.

Announced flotilla’s 40th anniversary party June 8 from 10 to 11 am.
Has appointed action teams to increase membership (Tom Hart) and attendance at PE classes (Paul Thompson).
April cleaning committee will be led by Dave Shuster, FSO-Member Training.

Gave a slideshow presentation on the Dashboard,  the auxiliary’s primary effort to document and compare flotilla activities in program visits, vessel examinations, operations hours, public education, member training, and membership.  Our flotilla ranks among highest in the division on all activities.

No old business and no new business.

Meeting adjourned at 8:15.

Respectfully submitted,

Emily Harris,  Secretary/Records